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The activity of the volcano pre-dominantly exists of continuous degassing, though there have been some explosions causing rocks to travel up to 500 meters through the air.

Volcano Masaya

This is the entrance of a lava tunnel, which the Maya’s believed to serve as an entrance to Xibalba, the Mayan underworld. Because of this, the end of the tunnel was used for (human) sacrifices.  

Continuous smoke and sulfur gases of the active volcano prevent hiking up the trail leading to the cross. The cross was planted by the Spaniards in the 16th century in order to 'exorcise the devil' who resided in the 'mouth of hell' below.

The lava streams of the Masaya volcano formed tunnels and (bat)caves in the surrounding area. This guy knows exactly where.

The islands look like the uninhabited secret islands of a children’s book. The owners of the islands, which often have tacky names like 'The Island of Jacqueline', reside here only here now and then, leaving them to the properties' caretakers to enjoy year-round.

Rich Nicaraguans and foreigners now privately own many of the islands, although this used to be a poor area. Some less well-off families remain living here without official property rights.

Around Granada


Las Isletas are Granada's islands on Lake Nicaragua. About 365 tiny volcanic islands form this mini-archipelago.

Boats are the only means of transportation and offer scenic trips.

A house on the shore of Laguna de Apoyo - a perfect round crater lake west of Granada.


Granada area       >>>


Named after the Spanish city and arguably the first European city on mainland America, Granada was founded in 1524. Its location on Lake Nicaragua grants it access to the Atlantic via the San Juan River, and caused it to be both a flourishing center of commerce and a victim of raids and invasions.

Nowadays the city's still reminds of these times. Like the old convent housing the Hotel Granada with its great pool. 

Granada area

Granada area